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Shifa Fatima, MSc.
Dr. Apoorva T, MHM.
What is Sarcopenic obesity
Sarcopenic obesity is considered to be age-related, that leads to loss of muscle mass, strength, or physical performance is known as sarcopenic obesity. Sarcopenia is the term for aging-related declines in muscle mass, strength, or physical capacity. Increased adipose tissue is frequently present in sarcopenia, also referred to as sarcopenic obesity. The prevalence of adult sarcopenic obesity is rapidly increasing worldwide.
A person's quality of life can be significantly impacted by sarcopenia:
It decreases one's capacity to carry out routine activities in the daily course of living like climbing stairs or getting out of a chair, growing disability that could result in a loss of independence and the requirement for long-term care. Other health issues/complications brought on by sarcopenia include:
- Increasing the risk of fractures and falls
- increasing the number of hospital stays and their duration
- Increasing postoperative complications
- increasing the danger of death
Table of Contents
Symptoms of Sarcopenic obesity
Sarcopenia symptoms can include:
- deteriorating muscle ache
- Difficulty in completing daily activities
- Reduced pace of walking Speed
- Engaging in Regular Daily Activities
- Experiencing fatigue
- Becoming more fragile
If you or a loved one is displaying these symptoms, talk to your doctor. You can learn more about your sarcopenia risk by taking the SARC-F. This brief survey can be finished on your own and will be helpful when talking to a healthcare professional about your risk of sarcopenia.
What causes sarcopenic obesity?
The so-called "sarcopenic obesity" may occur as a result of excessive energy consumption, physical inactivity, low-grade inflammation, insulin resistance, and alterations in the hormonal environment. It was often thought that a decline in muscle mass was the primary cause of age-related muscular weakness, but it is now evident that changes in muscle composition and quality predominate. At the end, combining obesity with muscle strength rather than just bulk when estimating the probability of negative outcomes, such as functional limitation and mortality, and that the term "sarcopenic obesity" needs to be updated.
How is Sarcopenic Obesity Diagnosed?
There is no single point diagnosis for Sarcopenic Obesity. The combination of obesity and sarcopenia put together is diagnosed as Sarcopenic obesity. According to the criteria of WHO, BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2 or wrist circumference (men ≥ 102 cm and women ≥ 88 cm) is considered as obesity and low muscle mass on the other hand leads to Sarcopenia.
Important global public health issues including population aging and the obesity pandemic put the physical and emotional well-being of the elderly as well as global health systems in danger. A new form of obesity known as sarcopenic obesity (SO) affects the elderly and is a high-risk geriatric condition. The negative effects of SO on health include increased morbidity and mortality as well as frailty, falls, impairment, and fragility. The vicious cycle between myocytes (i.e. muscle cells) and adipocytes (cells responsible for storing fats in the body) is the main mechanism of SO. It is critical to deepen our understanding of SO in the elderly in order to put into practise efficient preventative and treatment measures, reduce negative clinical outcomes, and other related issues.

How do you fix Sarcopenic Obesity?
One of the best ways to fix sarcopenic obesity is by maintaining a proper healthy lifestyle, and exercise can be an immediate aid. Exercise that combines both weight training and aerobic activity is referred to as concurrent exercise. In sarcopenic obesity, both resistance exercise and aerobic exercise have the ability to increase muscle function and a number of body composition indices. Additionally to this result, the combination of these tactics, known as concurrent exercise, can also aid in the reduction of fat mass. Therefore, concurrent exercise may be a key tactic to increase skeletal muscle size and strength while also supporting fat mass loss in sarcopenic, obese older adults.
Some other steps to follow to fix sarcopenic obesity are:
- Eccentric Exercise
- Aerobic Exercise
- Electro Stimulation
- Nutritional Strategies
- Hypocaloric Diets
- Protein Intake
- Micronutrients
Sarcopenic obesity is a brand-new kind of obesity that affects older persons and is characterized by poor skeletal muscle mass and high levels of adiposity. According to the research, sarcopenic obese older persons may have higher levels of cardiovascular risk factors and a higher risk of mortality.
Is sarcopenic obesity reversible?
Researchers have proven through various studies that the muscle loss can be lowered and sarcopenia can be irreversible. Sarcopenia can be reversed with a good diet
What foods are good for sarcopenia?
Improved physical performance and defense against muscle wasting, sarcopenia, and frailty have been linked to eating a Mediterranean-style diet and consuming more fruits and vegetables.
Can sarcopenia lead to death?
Sarcopenia has been linked to a number of unfavorable outcomes, including functional disability, falls, rising medical expenses, and even death. Sarcopenia and mortality in elderly adults living in the community have been linked in numerous studies.
What vitamins help with sarcopenia?
- Vitamin D Deficiency and Sarcopenia. A positive correlation has been shown to exist between serum 25(OH)D concentration and muscle function.
- Vitamin D and Muscle Strength. Studies on vitamin D supplementation have shown an increase in muscle strength due to supplementation.
This website's content is provided only for educational reasons and is not meant to be a replacement for professional medical advice. Due to individual differences, the reader should contact their physician to decide whether the material is applicable to their case.
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