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Types of PCOS - Which one do you have?
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a hormonal problem faced by females. With changing lifestyles this problem has become common amongst women. The imbalance of reproductive hormones which happens due to many reasons leads to the development of cysts over the ovaries causing PCOS. Broadly there are 4 types of PCOS. It is essential to know what type of PCOS you are suffering from before indulging yourself in the treatments. To treat PCOS from its root you need to be aware of the types of PCOS and which one are you suffering from. Also know about yoga for diabetes type 1
Table of Contents
Types of PCOS
The four types of PCOS that women suffer from are Insulin resistant PCOS, Adrenal PCOS, Inflammatory PCOS, and lastly Post-pill PCOS. When you are aware of what type you are diagnosed with, the treatment process becomes accurate and effective.
Insulin Resistant PCOS
Caused due to the high level of insulin in the body, Insulin-resistant PCOS is the most common type of PCOS as 70% of the cases of PCOS have this type. High levels of insulin could be a result of excess sugar, trans fats, or habits like smoking. In this condition, the cells do not perform in sync with the insulin causing insulinoma. This results in the pancreas producing even more insulin for the cells to respond. The excess insulin disrupts the ovulation process, leading the ovaries to produce more testosterone. Some symptoms of this type include weight gain, acne, excess hair growth, etc. Know more about insulin resistance
Adrenal PCOS
Amongst the other types of PCOS, Adrenal PCOS is due to experiencing an extremely stressful period. The adrenal glands excrete a type of androgen known as DHEA which gets raised and causes other hormones like testosterone, and androstenedione to not be visible. This type cannot be easily specified unless you go through some special tests. The most common symptoms of Adrenal PCOS are irregular periods, weight gain, fatigue, mood swings, acne, hair growth or extreme hair loss, irregular sleep, etc.
Inflammatory PCOS
This type of PCOS is the result of poor lifestyle and chronic inflammation. Ovulation is prevented due to the excess levels of testosterone and the production of androgens. Inflammation which is the root cause of this type of PCOS is generally caused due to toxic surroundings, stress, dietary like gluten, etc. The prominent symptoms of inflammatory PCOS are high C-reactive protein in the blood (above 5), headaches, joint pain, fatigue, skin infections and allergies, excess thyroid levels, etc. Chronic inflammation is the main cause of Inflammatory PCOS.
Post-Pill PCOS
When a woman stops the consumption of oral contraceptive pills, the chances to get diagnosed with Post-pill PCOS increases. When the intake of birth control pills is stopped, there is a hormonal imbalance caused due to which the ovaries react in a certain manner. This type of PCOS is yet another common type of PCOS and generally taking contraceptive pills can heal the situation temporarily but doesn’t help the condition in the long term. The synthetic progestins used to become the cause of Post-pill PCOS. Symptoms like acne, weight gain, irregular periods, and excess hair growth are common for this type.
Treatment of PCOS
Treating PCOS becomes a smooth journey once you know what type of PCOS you are suffering from to target the root cause. The treatment of PCOS depends on the type you are suffering from. From medications to surgeries, PCOS is treated by various treatments. Surgeries like laparoscopic Ovarian drilling by laser, cyst aspiration, oophorectomy, and medications for fertility, diabetes, etc. are treatments that people commonly go for. Here are a few treatments that you can consider for 4 types of PCOS.
- For Insulin resistant PCOS it is essential to have balanced insulin levels. To achieve this you can resort to exercising regularly which will help to burn sugars and boost muscle development eventually leading to better insulin sensitivity. To balance sugar levels, you must consume a low carbohydrate diet and avoid food items that have high sugar levels. Switching to better sleeping patterns and reducing stress levels would also aid the treatment. Intake of supplements like magnesium, chromium, NAC, and others as prescribed by your nutritionist will also improve the condition.
- To treat Adrenal PCOS it is essential to reduce your stress levels by indulging in yoga, meditations, mindfulness activities, etc. that will ensure the hormones are balanced. Following a good 8-hour sleep cycle each night and avoiding intake of caffeine will also improve the condition. Do not perform high-intensity workouts and consume magnesium, vitamin B5 and vitamin C and other stress relieving herbs for better treatment.
- Inflammatory PCOS is well treated by ensuring a healthy gut. This can be achieved by treating leaky guts, maintaining balanced gut bacteria, and enhancing digestive enzymes. Follow a diet that doesn’t include food items that trigger inflammation and includes anti-inflammatories. Know more about diabetes diet.
- Treating Post-pill PCOS is quite easy as it gets reversed naturally. Having a good sleeping pattern, reduced stress levels, and intaking supplements like Vitamin B6, zinc, magnesium, etc. will improve the treatment process. The duration of reversal of this type of PCOS differs from person to person. Therefore, it is necessary to be patient and keep a positive attitude to heal post-pill PCOS.
Read more about: Diabetes treatment
PCOS is being faced by a large chunk of the population these days. The only way out from this problem is to make conscious choices to create a better lifestyle so that your hormones are regulated and the ovulation process doesn’t get affected. Knowing the types of PCOS that exist and which one is making you suffer has already made you wise to decide the treatment that is best suitable and effective for your healing.
Now that you know what type of PCOS you are diagnosed with you’ll be able to better understand the type of food items to include in your diet and the treatment that will work best for you. With patience and the right treatment, any type of PCOS ought to recover.

How do I know my PCOS type?
Look for the symptoms to know whether you are diagnosed with PCOS. However, to know what type you are diagnosed with you need to get several tests done. Depending on the symptoms you are having you will be guided by the doctor to undergo specific tests.
Which type of PCOS causes infertility?
Having PCOS doesn’t indicate infertility. PCOS is reversible. PCOS affects your ovulation process due to hormonal imbalances. However, if you do not ovulate that becomes the prime reason for infertility.
What are the 5 characteristics of PCOS?
The five characteristics that are five main signs of PCOS are irregular menstrual cycles, acne, extreme hair growth, weight gain, and infertility. These characteristics are clear indicators of PCOS. Further, several other symptoms and tests clear the type of PCOS you might be diagnosed with.
This website's content is provided only for educational reasons and is not meant to be a replacement for professional medical advice. Due to individual differences, the reader should contact their physician to decide whether the material is applicable to their case.
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