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Is Sky fruit Good for Diabetes?
Fruits and vegetables along with healthy eating habits are a big part of the life of a person with diabetes. The whole part that deals with dealing with and managing the symptoms of diabetes revolves around a healthy lifestyle – which includes eating and physical exercise. Removing almost all the unhealthy aspects of food that involve items with high levels of sugar, carbs, maida, starch, fats, etc. is included in the diabetes management plans. Terms like glycemic index and the glycemic load become important as they talk about how much of the particular food item needs to be consumed and whether it is healthy in the first place or not.
There are some fruits and vegetables that are also considered to be unhealthy for a person with diabetes. These would often have a high glycemic index or would be high in carbs. Certain fruits like mangoes, sitaphal, and vegetables like potatoes, beetroots, etc are removed from daily consumption as they cause more harm than good.
If you have been diagnosed with diabetes and are feeling restricted in terms of your food choices and diet chart, here is one more fruit that you can add to the ‘can eat’ list – the sky fruit. Read here to check out if sky fruit is good for diabetes.
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Sky Fruit Benefits for Diabetes
Diabetes can take a toll on the body. This is even more true as the person grows older and the condition progresses. There are several complications associated with the condition and these can affect different organs of the body. It can also create severe effects on the mental health of a person.
Certain fruits and vegetables actually work well in controlling the levels of blood sugars in the body. Sky fruit for diabetes works similarly. If you are wondering what this is, you may not be off the charts as this is a pretty uncommon fruit and is not heard of in many regions in India and the globe. However, for a person with diabetes, it becomes vital to be aware of as many food items as possible to be able to explore and expand their choices. And what is better than knowing about fruits that actually work to help control the symptoms of diabetes?
It is natural to be curious about what is sky fruit and how it may benefit a person with a chronic condition. One needs to be sure that the food item is safe for consumption and would not cause any trouble to the person. Get all the information available on what this fruit is and how it may help someone with diabetes to control their blood sugars.
There are several advantages of sky fruit for diabetes as well. Since this fruit and its seeds are known to have multiple healing properties, it takes good care of the immune system. This can work well for a person with diabetes in two ways –
It can help keep the other infections away thus reducing the number of sick days
It can help to strengthen the immune system overall which might lead to better management, especially in type 2 diabetes, and can also reduce insulin resistance.
It has been used as a remedy for diabetes and even hyperlipidemia in South Asian countries and is recommended by many dieticians. Studies and research have also proven the medicinal properties and health benefits associated with this fruit. It also helps in weight loss which may also be advantageous for a person with diabetes.
The presence of flavonoids, saponin, and alkaloids in the fruit are antioxidants and are a powerful remedy for T2D. Flavonoids improve the cardiovascular system leading to unclogging of arteries, thus reducing the chances of complications due to diabetes. Alkaloids help to maintain the pH level of the body. It also has plenty of fibers, minerals, vitamins, essential fats, etc.
What Is Sky Fruit?
Essentially, this fruit is the seed of mahogany fruit. It is commonly called sky fruit and is found in abundance in South Asian countries including India. Since it is common in different parts of Asia, it also has different names like – Buah Tunjuk in Malay. If you are wondering why this fruit is named so, it is because of the way it hangs from a tree. The fascinating way in which this fruit hangs upwards facing the sky is amusing and innovative to look at. Its stalk points upwards, that is how the fruit gets its name.
Many experts and doctors believe that this fruit has been used to treat the symptoms of high blood sugar and bring the levels down under control since ancient times. The exact manner in which it helps a person with diabetes is not known scientifically at the moment, however, it does have several benefits that might almost seem miraculous in nature.
Sky fruit benefits and side effects
To understand how to use sky fruit for diabetes and if it has any benefits would be a great question. The primary point, however, would be to understand the advantages of consuming this fruit in general, with or without diabetes. When people have any kind of food, they look at the nutrients, how it may help them, and the long-term effects of consuming that food. The same goes for this fruit as well.
Sky Fruit Seeds Benefits
- Helps in the treatment of skin allergies
- Reduces chances of a heart attack
- Relieves menstrual pain
- Helps to get rid of foul breath
- Helps to improve constipation
- Manages the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease
- Treats impotence
- Helps to increase body strength
- Builds immunity
- Promotes better blood circulation
- Mitigates the symptoms of asthma
- Helps in treating insomnia
- Improves and builds an appetite
- Strengthens the chances of conception in women
- Treats malaria
- Helps in reducing cholesterol levels
- Helps to deal with tumors
These multiple health benefits are enough to ensure that sky fruit is present in every household to be able to effectively help with these conditions.
Sky fruit side effects
- Allergic reactions: Sky fruit may cause allergic reactions in certain persons. An allergic reaction may cause hives, swelling, breathing problems, and itching. Stop eating sky fruit right away and go to the doctor if you feel any of these after doing so.
- Discomfort in the digestive system: Some people who consume sky fruit may feel nausea, bloating, and diarrhoea in the process. The fruit's high fibre content may be to blame for this.
Some cases have reported a certain degree of damage to the liver due to the overconsumption of sky fruit. Even though the reported number of such cases is negligible, it would be advisable to include this fruit in the diet only under the vigilance of a professional. If you are consuming sky fruit for diabetes, make sure to keep an eye out for any symptoms of liver diseases like – lethargy, nausea, loss of appetite, darker shade of urine, etc. Other signs like yellowing of skin, nails, or eyes, that might indicate jaundice, should also be immediately reported to the doctor.

Sky Fruit Nutrition List
Seeds of the Swietenia Macrophylla plant, often called sky fruit or mahogany seeds, are frequently utilised in Southeast Asian folk medicine. Sky fruit is a well-known superfood due to its abundance of beneficial vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Some of the most important nutrients contained in sky fruit are:
- Flavonoids: Sky fruit is a great way to get your daily dose of flavonoids, which are potent antioxidants that help defend your body from free radical damage.
- Saponins: In particular, the saponins found in sky fruit have been linked to a variety of health benefits, including reduced inflammation and a boosted immune system.
- Phenolic compounds: Antioxidant phenolic chemicals found in sky fruit have been linked to a lower risk of developing chronic illnesses including cancer and cardiovascular disease.
- Fatty acids: Sky fruit includes fatty acids including oleic acid and linoleic acid, which are crucial for the maintenance of healthy skin, hair, and nails.
- Vitamins: Sky fruit has significant amounts of vitamins B1, B2, and E, all of which contribute to cellular energy metabolism and healthy skin.
- Minerals: Sky fruit is rich in minerals including iron, potassium, and magnesium, all of which play an important role in sustaining strong teeth, gums, bones, and muscles as well as normal blood pressure.
How to Consume Sky Fruit
The whole fruit should be broken and the seed should be taken out. The seed, however, is also edible and can be chewed and swallowed with warm water. The fruit is extremely bitter in taste due to the ingredients that it is made up of. In case the sugar level is above 200 mg/dL, you can have the full seed, and anything below that level of sugars can be paired with the consumption of half the seed. The fruit is also available in powder form or even as tablets on online sites.
how to use sky fruit for diabetes?
Some research suggests that eating sky fruit may help diabetics maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Some suggested uses of sky fruit in the treatment of diabetes are as follows:
- Eat Sky Fruit Raw: Sky fruit, like other nuts and seeds, may be enjoyed raw as a snack. The seed may be eaten when the shell is removed. The sky fruit has several health benefits, but it is necessary to take it in moderation because of its potential for adverse effects.
- Make sky fruit tea: To prepare a healthy tea, just boil a few pieces of sky fruit in water for around 10 to 15 minutes. Tea made from sky fruit has been shown to boost health and aid in blood sugar regulation.
- Take sky fruit supplements: Take a supplement containing sky fruit extract to help control your blood sugar levels. Sky fruit extract is available in capsule form and may be used as a dietary supplement. But, before taking any supplements, it is necessary to talk to a doctor.
- Use sky fruit in recipes: The sky fruit may be used as a powder in many dishes, including as shakes, smoothies, and even baked items. Sky fruit dishes may be a healthy addition to a diabetic's diet, but it's vital to pay attention to portion amounts and talk to a nutritionist or doctor to make sure they're right for you.
Also Read : List of Best Fruits for Diabetics to Eat
Sky fruit, even though uncommon and underrated, has several health benefits and medicinal properties that can help a person with diabetes get their sugar levels under control. This fruit can also help mitigate the other complications associated with diabetes as it has several ingredients that work together to boost the immune system and help in better blood circulation throughout the body. Eat this fruit in moderation to see effective changes in your health.
Does Any Research Claim That Sky Fruit Helps In Curing Diabetes?
Yes, different studies and research have answered the question is sky fruit good for diabetes. It is a safe, natural, and non-toxic fruit that can control blood sugars and bring them to the optimal range. A study at Jadavpur University proved the statement. A study published in the Science and Culture Journal in 2012 also showed that the consumption of this fruit did not cause any mortality in animals even if consumed a lot.
What Are Other Names Of Sky Fruit?
Sky fruit can also be called Swietenia Macrophylla. It is also commonly called miracle fruit, king fruit, and sky fruit in English. In Tamil, it is called Thenkani Vidai or Thean Kani. In Malay, people call it Buah Tunjuk Langit.
What is the best time to consume sky fruits?
The best time to consume this fruit, according to healthcare professionals, would be in the morning immediately after brushing the teeth. The maximum health benefits of this fruit can be reached in case the consumption of any kind of food or drink, even tea or coffee is restricted until an hour after having sky fruit.
What are sky fruit seeds side effects?
Sky fruit seeds can be a choking hazard because to their small size and hardness, especially for infants and the elderly. Large-scale consumption of sky fruit seeds may cause intestinal obstruction, especially if they are not chewed thoroughly or if you have a history of digestive issues.
This website's content is provided only for educational reasons and is not meant to be a replacement for professional medical advice. Due to individual differences, the reader should contact their physician to decide whether the material is applicable to their case.
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