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Best Nuts for Diabetics To Eat
Diabetes is a complicated condition to manage. Each day a person with diabetes deals with things that others could not even imagine. The biggest aspect of change in the life of a person with diabetes is related to food. The number of struggles that they have to encounter while shifting their entire diet and creating strict restrictions is a task that is not appreciated enough. A seemingly simple thing like not being able to order finger chips/French fries at restaurants is also a heart-breaking task. Are nuts good for diabetics? - Read this article to get the answer.
However, we are not here to lament! We are here to make the most use of the variety of food options available for people with diabetes. One of the major food categories that can be helpful is – nuts. They provide several benefits and might even reduce the risk of T2D. Several studies have shown the consumption of nuts to be linked with a decreased prevalence of cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, and even metabolic syndrome.
Table of Contents
Are Nuts Good for Diabetes?
Due to their high content in fibre, protein, and good fats, nuts can be a beneficial addition to the diet of someone with diabetes. Consuming nuts could help lower insulin resistance, manage blood sugar levels, and minimise the risk of heart disease, a frequent complication of diabetes.
Which Nuts Are Good for Diabetes?
Not all nuts might be good, however, some nuts are considered the best nuts for people with diabetes to eat. The ones that have a lot of nutrients like Vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, etc can be good. Nuts provide a wide range of health-related benefits to people with diabetes. They also help to manage the overall blood sugar levels. The American Diabetes Association has listed a few nuts to be some of the most beneficial ones for people with diabetes.
Are nuts good for people with diabetes? Yes, some of them are. They are beneficial because:
- They contain high levels of useful fats. These unsaturated fats help by performing several functions like – promoting healthy cell growth, protecting organs, etc.
- They are rich in protein and fibers
- Most nuts also are rich in Vitamin E, Thiamine, etc
- Minerals such as magnesium, potassium, manganese, etc are also found in many of the approved ones by the ADA
Not all nuts are to be consumed – avoid salted or caramelized ones.
1. Walnuts
One of the best nuts for people with diabetes to eat would be walnuts. They help to promote the feeling of a full appetite which results in much less hunger for a longer duration. Since unhealthy food cravings are prevented, a person can regulate insulin intake and blood sugar levels. It also helps in weight loss. They are rich in fiber and promote good brain health. Additionally, walnuts are a good source of alpha-lipoic acid that prevents inflammation in the body – joints, heart, etc.
2. Almonds
If you have the question that which nuts good for diabetes – almonds would make the top of the list. Almonds help in the control of blood sugar levels to a large extent. Another major complication that is associated with T2D – cardiovascular diseases – is also prevented. Since almonds are a good source of fiber, they keep the overall blood sugars more stable and also aid in the process of digestion. Almost all are considered superstars among people with diabetes and help answer the question are nuts good for people with diabetes? They are low in carbs and can be eaten as it is. Also understand the benefits of peanut for diabetes.
3. Cashews
There are several benefits that cashews provide to a person with diabetes and hence can be considered one of the most important ones. The question - are cashew good for diabetes will be answered here. They help in reducing and lowering the overall blood pressure within the body thus also eliminating the complications associated with high BP. They boost the HDL cholesterol which again reduces the risk of heart-related conditions. Cashews help to maintain a healthy weight and also promote insulin sensitivity. They do not cause a spike in sugar levels due to a low GI. Also know about Indian diabetes diet.
4. Peanuts
Peanuts are among the best nuts for people with diabetes to eat as they are super satiating and diabetes-friendly. Along with being high in fiber, they are also high in protein. Peanuts can be eaten as it is or also can be consumed in the form of peanut oil. They have a low glycemic load and might also help to regulate the overall blood sugar levels. Moreover, peanuts are also known to prevent post-meal sugar spikes in the blood. Another benefit could be that peanuts effectively reduce LDL cholesterol.
5. Pistachios
Known to provide ‘trio’ benefits – fiber, protein, and good fats, pistachios good for diabetes will fall under nuts good for diabetes. They are often known as the ‘smart snack’ as studies have also proved the beneficial nature of pistachios in improving the blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. People who eat these nuts also have lower LDL cholesterol levels. Add them to the meals or eat them as an evening snack along with a few other nuts or fruits and you are good to go.
6. Fox Nuts
To effectively answer the question of – is fox nut good for diabetes, it is first important to see what fox nuts are. Popularly known as makhana in India, fox nuts are super healthy for people with diabetes. They are rich in antioxidants and are also good for the heart. Fox nuts are also known to bring about several positive changes in the digestive system and overall skin health. They have a low GI that makes them friendly for people with diabetes to eat. Cook a few fox nuts in pure ghee and add a little bit of salt or chaat masala for taste. 15-20 fox nuts per day should be good for your overall health.
7. Macadamia Nuts
Macadamia nuts are a type of tree nut native to Australia, but are also grown in Hawaii, South Africa, and other countries with similar climates. They are known for their rich, buttery flavor and are often used in baking, confectionery, and as a snack. Healthy fats, fibre, protein, vitamins, and minerals are all included in macadamia nuts, which are nutrient-dense foods. They must, however, be consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet because they are also heavy in calories.Macadamia nuts can be consumed raw or roasted, and they are frequently used in baked goods including pies, cakes, and cookies. They are frequently used in salads, stir-fries, and sauces, among other savoury meals.
8. Brazil Nuts
Brazil nuts are large, creamy-colored nuts that grow on trees in the Amazon rainforest of South America. They are known for their rich, buttery flavor and are often eaten raw or roasted as a snack, or used in baking, confectionery, and as a source of oil. Brazil nuts are nutrient-rich and include fibre, protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. They contain a lot of selenium, a mineral that is vital for healthy thyroid and immune systems as well as for lowering inflammation. Selenium can be found in Brazil nuts in substantial amounts, but it's vital to limit your intake because too much selenium can be dangerous. One Brazil nut can include between 68 and 91 micrograms of selenium, which is the daily required amount of 55 micrograms.
9. Hazelnuts
A type of nut that develops on the hazel tree is the hazelnut, commonly referred to as the filbert. Hazelnuts are frequently used in baking, confectionery, and as a snack because of their sweet and nutty flavour. They are nutrient-dense and contain fibre, protein, vitamins, and minerals as well as good fats. In example, hazelnuts are rich in vitamin E, an antioxidant that aids in preventing cell deterioration. Hazelnuts are used in a variety of traditional European pastries, including praline, torte, and biscotti, as well as in the production of chocolate and other confections like Nutella. Moreover, hazelnuts are frequently used in savoury foods including salads, pasta, and meat dishes.
10. Pecans
Pecans are a type of tree nut native to North America, primarily the southern United States and Mexico. They are known for their rich, buttery flavor and are often used in baking, confectionery, and as a snack. Pecans are nutrient-rich foods that provide fibre, protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. They have very high levels of monounsaturated fats, which are good for the heart. Antioxidants, which can help shield the body from oxidative stress and inflammation, are also abundant in pecans.
Overall, pecans are a delicious and healthy addition to any diet, but due to their high calorie content, they should be eaten in moderation. Pecans can contribute to a healthy, balanced diet and have a variety of positive health effects, including better heart health and a decreased risk of heart disease.
Are Fox Nuts good for people with Diabetes?
Yes, fox nuts can be nutrition for a person with diabetes. They have a low GI and do not spike their overall blood sugar levels. Eat them in moderation, not more than 15-20 in a day.
Are Brazil Nuts good for people with diabetes?
Brazil nuts contain selenium that lower insulin levels, promote insulin sensitivity, and also better the overall blood sugar levels. They also have antioxidants and vitamin E.
How many Nuts should a person with diabetes eat?
Anything in moderation should be good. Any of the nuts above can be eaten keeping in mind their overall calories and carbs. Mix a few nuts to eat them together.
What is the best time to eat Nuts?
There is no such best time when it comes to eating nutritional food. However, in the mornings or evenings as a snack to last until lunch or dinner. Nuts do this job the best!
- https://www.everydayhealth.com/type-2-diabetes/diet/best-nuts-diabetes-walnuts-almonds-more/
- https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324141
This website's content is provided only for educational reasons and is not meant to be a replacement for professional medical advice. Due to individual differences, the reader should contact their physician to decide whether the material is applicable to their case.