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Is Raw Banana Good For Diabetes?
People diagnosed with diabetes must be mindful of their diet for successful weight and blood sugar management. Most fruits, including bananas, can cause blood sugar levels to rise, interfering in the long-term management of diabetes.
However, like some more fruits, unripe or raw banana is good for diabetes and come with many positive health effects. They still offer the same nutrients as yellow bananas without affecting blood glucose production. If you are still wondering is raw banana good for diabetes, read on to learn about the fruit’s benefits.
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Why is Raw Banana good for Diabetes?
Raw bananas are better than ripe bananas as they contain less sugar and starch. The starch in bananas converts into sugar during the ripening process, which is not safe to consume for diabetes patients. Raw bananas have resistant starch, which prevents blood glucose from rising too high.
Plus, eating green bananas or raw bananas are good for diabetes as they have a lower glycemic index (GI) than ripe bananas. Their GI value is 42, making them an ideal snack option for individuals with prediabetes and diabetes. As the ripeness of bananas increases, however, so does the GI score—ripe bananas can have a GI value as high as 62.
Nonetheless, eating unripe bananas must be in limited portions as they tend to have more carbohydrates than other foods for diabetes. Consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your diet plan. Also know about prediabetes diet.
Benefits of Raw or Green Bananas for people with Diabetes
Following are the raw or green banana benefits:
1. Good source of potassium
Raw banana is good for diabetes as it offers a healthy dose of potassium, a nutrient needed to regulate blood pressure. Healthy levels of potassium allow excess sodium to be flushed out of your system via urine. This, in turn, keeps your heart healthy and reduces the risk of cardiovascular issues.
2. Better control over blood sugars
Raw bananas can slow down spikes in blood glucose and insulin levels. The unripe banana benefits in improve glycemic control by lowering the rate of absorption of carbs and sugar.
3. Improved digestion
As you may already know, bananas are a fibre-rich fruit that can ease digestion and prevent constipation. The fibre content in raw bananas is 2.6 grams for 100 grams. It increases the chain of short-fatty acids in the digestive system, which is good for digestive health. Raw bananas are also rich in prebiotics that boost the growth of your gut flora. Thus, diabetes persons can eat raw bananas to keep their gut bacteria healthy.
4. Fortified heart health
High levels of cholesterol can risk the heart health of people with diabetes. Luckily, the high content of fibre in raw bananas also helps in managing cholesterol. The fibre in these fruits also controls the absorption of carbs into the bloodstream, resulting in good heart health. Moreover, raw bananas decrease the chances of having a stroke.
5. Effective weight regulation
Raw bananas keep you full for longer, lowering your overall food intake. Satiety, or the feeling that your stomach is full, is primarily due to the healthy amount of fibre found in green bananas. This can help you maintain healthy body weight and manage diabetes. Raw bananas should be eaten at least 2-3 times a week to make a significant change in weight.
6. Rich in vitamins
Another reason why raw bananas are good for diabetes is that they are rich in vitamin B6 and vitamin C. Vitamin C boosts your immunity and contains antioxidants that play a significant role in preventing damages caused by free radicals. On the other hand, vitamin B6 can help maintain your blood sugar levels. It also plays a pivotal role in enhancing heart and digestive health, which can make diabetes management easier for persons.
7. GI of banana
One of the best benefits of unripe banana is their low glycemic index. Their GI value is 42, making them an excellent snack for people with prediabetes and diabetes.
Raw or Green Bananas Nutrition Value
Glycemic index of green bananas or raw bananas are low (around 42) and they are high in fibre, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Including raw bananas in your diet can help you maintain a healthy diet while managing diabetes.
The following nutrients are found in 100 grams of raw banana:
| Calories: | 89 |
| Water: | 75% |
| Protein: | 1.1 g |
| Carbs: | 22.8 g |
| Sugar: | 12.2 g |
| Fiber: | 2.6 g |
| Fat: | 0.3 g |

Raw Banana Glycemic Index
The glycemic index of raw bananas or raw banana gi is 42. A glycemic index of less than 55 indicates that the food will not significantly raise blood sugar levels. Because resistant starches in bananas are slowly broken down, they produce a low glucose spike in the bloodstream, contributing to the lower glycemic index. Several human and animal studies have shown that raw bananas have anti-diabetic properties. In a human study, raw bananas improved insulin sensitivity and reduced kidney and liver complications associated with diabetes. If you have diabetes, however, it is critical that you follow your doctor's advice and treatment. Avoid using fruits and vegetables to treat symptoms without first consulting a doctor.
Risks of overeating Raw banana for Diabetics
Raw bananas are chock-full of nutrients and vitamins needed for overall health. However, individuals with diabetes must exercise caution when incorporating this fruit into their diet.
Green bananas tend to have more calories than other diabetes-friendly foods. One medium-sized raw banana has roughly 90 calories. While it is still less than the calorie count of a yellow banana (roughly 105-100), it may still impact your daily caloric intake and weight management plans.
Although raw bananas have lower carbs than ripe ones, they can still affect your blood sugar levels. Diabetes persons can eat raw bananas in moderation to ensure better management of their blood glucose. It is advisable to keep track of the number and size of bananas consumed each day to stay within your dietary restrictions. Know about fruit for diabetes.
Ripe Vs Unripe Banana
Some people prefer their bananas to be green, while others prefer them to be mushy brown. But are the two distinct from one another? Shockingly yes, you could pick the mellowness of the banana you eat based on your healthiness. Here we will be listing all the advantages and disadvantages of ripe vs unripe bananas-
Advantages of Ripe Bananas
1) Full of Antioxidants
Bananas, like other fruits and vegetables, are excellent sources of antioxidants. Flavonoids and amines are two examples of the powerful antioxidants found in ripe bananas. These antioxidants can help reduce the risk of developing diseases like cancer, diabetes, coronary heart disease, and hypertension.
2) Quick Source of Energy
Ripe bananas contain three natural sugars—sucrose, fructose, and glucose—along with fibre, making them an instant energy boost; this is considered a major ripe banana health benefit.
3) Better your Depressed mood
Ripe bananas contain a lot of tryptophan, which raises serotonin levels and makes you feel better. They also contain dopamine, a feel-good chemical to help soothe your blues.
4) Better for Digestion
Slightly over-ripe bananas are always a good choice for someone having digestion problems. It is easy to digest and even considered good for people having bad stomachs.
5) Help you Battle Cancer
The peel of a banana turns a few shades darker when it is too ripe. The dark spots on the peel produce Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF), an element that can destroy cancerous and abnormal cells.
Disadvantages of Ripe Bananas
- In the ripening procedure, bananas are said to lose their nutrients. Keeping bananas in the refrigerator is advisable to reduce the loss of vitamins and nutrients.
- Due to their high sugar, ripe bananas should be avoided by a diabetic person.
- Bananas are rich in potassium; if you have kidney issues, it's best to avoid eating too many of them.
Advantages of Unripe Bananas
1) High in Fiber
Unripe or green bananas are high in fibre. Fibres are essential for maintaining heart health and digestive health. Consuming foods high in fibre makes you feel fuller for longer, and the green bananas high pectin content fills them.
2) Regulates Blood Pressure
The potassium content of green and unripe bananas is high. It is an essential mineral that the body requires for blood purification, nerve function, and improved muscle movement.
Potassium acts as a vasodilator, reducing the stiffness in the blood vessels and arteries. Consequently, it aids in controlling blood pressure and preventing heart attacks.
3) Good for Diabetics
Bananas in their raw form are low in sugar, that's why raw banana benefits from diabetes. Choose the green variety if you want a snack that will fill you up quickly and has little sugar.
4) Good Source of Resistant Starch
Green bananas are higher in starches. A type of starch known as resistant starch is one that your body does not fully break down and absorb during digestion. Intestinal bacteria transform it into short-chain fatty acids. Resistant starch aids in controlling cholesterol and is considered a major green banana health benefit.
5) Benefit Lower Blood Sugar
The Green bananas' glycemic index is considered to be below at around 30. As a result, eating them can help regulate blood sugar levels. They also contain pectin, a type of fibre that helps slow down the absorption of sugar into your bloodstream.
6) Important for Hair Growth
Vitamins C and B6 found in green bananas can be extremely beneficial to your hair. Additionally, they contain potassium, which softens hair and makes it easier to grow. The oils present in green banana benefits in preventing hair breakage and keeping up with their normal bounciness.
Disadvantages of Unripe Bananas
- The antioxidant levels in unripe bananas are less than in ripe bananas. Due to the higher resistant starch content in green bananas, sometimes it causes bloating and acidity.
- Anyone allergic to latex should not eat unripe bananas because they contain proteins similar to the allergy-causing protein in latex. If you are on any medication, consult your doctor before consuming green bananas.
- Also, unripe bananas can be hard to digest. The high fibre content of the banana can cause constipation in some people. As the banana ripens, it becomes easier to digest and is beneficial for people having digestion problems.
So, is raw banana for diabetics? Yes! Raw bananas are good and highly beneficial for people with diabetes as they contain many important vitamins and fibres. These fibres not only help to control the levels of blood sugar but also promote digestive health. Raw bananas help regulate weight by making you feel full for longer. In addition, these fruits have lower amounts of starch and sugar than yellow bananas, making them safe to eat.
That said, the fruit can impact your blood sugar levels as it has higher calories and carbs than other diabetes-friendly foods. Thus, people with diabetes should eat raw bananas in moderation.
Can you eat green bananas or unripe bananas?
Yes, you can eat green bananas are high in dietary fibres and resistant starch, which aid digestion, keep us fuller for longer periods of time, and aid in weight management. They can also help with stomach problems like gastric ulcers, bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, and bacterial infections of the digestive tract.
In what form should Raw Green Banana be consumed to avail its benefits in diabetes?
The best way to include green bananas in your diet is in the boiled form. Green bananas contain resistant starch that helps slow down the process of releasing sugar in your bloodstream, effectively managing your blood glucose levels. It also helps in increasing insulin sensitivity of the body and reducing inflammation. They have a low glycemic index of about 30 to 50. Vitamin B6 found in green bananas is great for managing blood sugar levels.
Does unripe banana contain sugar?
An unripe banana or a green banana primarily contains starch and fiber. As the banana ripens, the starch is converted to simple sugar. It is safe to say that an unripe banana contains sugar but less than a ripe one.
Are green bananas bad for you?
Green bananas are considered to be healthy, as they have low glycemic index than ripe bananas, though they can cause digestive issues in some people. People with a latex allergy may also experience complications when eating them.
Do bananas have more sugar when ripe?
In the controlled single-lot study, slightly ripe and ripe bananas differed by 1.1 g/100g but not in retail samples. Fructose, glucose, and total sugar levels increased significantly from unripe to ripe, with no differences between ripe and overripe.
Are bananas good for prediabetes?
Bananas have a low GI score, making them an excellent choice for prediabetes. "Banana contains sugar and carbs," says Upasana Sharma, Head Nutritionist at Max Hospital. But it is rich in fibre and has a low glycemic index. Diabetics can eat banana, but in moderation.
This website's content is provided only for educational reasons and is not meant to be a replacement for professional medical advice. Due to individual differences, the reader should contact their physician to decide whether the material is applicable to their case.