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Is Omega 3 Good for Diabetes?
Foods rich in Omega-3 can lower the risk of heart diseases and heart attacks, but more often it doesn't reduce the risk of diabetes. But according to a study, this healthy form of fat can reduce diabetes risk and improve the control of blood glucose in the body. So, researchers tried to test this theory by conducting 83 random trials on more than 120,000 humans. It involved both people with and without the disease. The duration of each trial was 6 months or more. The purpose of this trial was to find out if the increase in consumption of omega-6, omega-3, or polyunsaturated fat can help to reduce sugar level or reducing diabetes risk. They want to know: Is omega 3 good for diabetics or not? The results of the trials show that increasing the consumption of omega-6, omega-3, or polyunsaturated fat over 3 years doesn't have any such effect on the risk of diabetes in people. In this article, we will try to explain everything about the Omega-3 fatty acid and also inform you if it is really good for people with diabetes or not.
Table of Contents
Why Are Omega-3 Fatty Acids Good for Diabetes?
Omega-3 fatty acids always seem to help those who want to control weight and blood glucose. According to the experts, omega 3 is good for diabetes. Omega-3 for diabetes is a very healthy diet option for them. You can consider an example of pills made of fish oil for diabetes. It helps shrink the waistline by combining it with some physical exercises and a calorie control diet. Omega-3 may help the heart as people with diabetes always have an increased risk of heart disease. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), on an average day, women must get 1.1 g of omega-3, and men must have 1.6 g.

Flaxseed Oil for a Concentrated Dose of ALA
If you use flaxseed oil in your salads, it can help with health benefits. The EPA and DHA are the main seafood Omega-3 sources, while you can also find Omega-3 in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a plant-based source. ALA converts into EPA inside the body; hence it has similar benefits compared to a seafood source. Always choose the oil-based form of Omega-3 as it is a more concentrated ALA dose. The flaxseed oil contains 5 times more ALA than canola or walnut oils. ALA improves the blood sugar responses and sensitivity of insulin in the body. This may protect the people who have diabetes. Flaxseed oil also lowers cholesterol levels. So, flaxseed-based omega 3 is good for diabetes.
Walnuts for Reducing Inflammation
One of the non-fishy Omega-3 fatty acid sources is Walnuts. Just like flaxseed oil, walnuts contain ALA, which is necessary for your body's health. These delicious nuts can help in reducing inflammation. One of the main reasons for inflammation is type-2 diabetes, which can cause insulin resistance. It is a very good idea to fill you with anti-inflammatory food sources. Walnuts are necessary for weight management and weight loss journey. People with type-2 diabetes can eat walnuts to decrease appetite and get less hunger.

Edamame for a Heart-Healthy Sushi Appetizer
Is omega 3 good for diabetics? When I was searching for the answer to this question, I came to know that Edamame, a good source of Omega-3, plays a great role in maintaining heart health. Edamame, popularly known as Soybeans, contains 28 g ALA. As per the study published in PLoS One journal in April 2017, Isoflavones, typically found in Edamame, help reduce the risk of death from heart disease. You can use Edamame in your Sushi Appetizer; there is no need for you to visit any Japanese restaurant for that. You can also toss some in your salad, soup (edamame stew), or enjoy them as a good dish on the side.
Fatty Fish Like Salmon for a Direct Source of EPA and DHA
When there is any bet for choosing the best source of omega-3, salmon and other fatty fishes like trout, sardines, sturgeon, and bluefish come first. The reason for this is when you have ALA in your body, it first needs to be converted into EPA, and then into DHA. This is a very ineffective process for having Omega-3 fatty acids as the conversion rate is less than 15%. But eating salmon can directly provide you with omega-3. It is recommended for people to have a minimum of two fish meals in a week. 500 mg of Omega-3 per day can reduce the risk of eye diseases in people having type-2 diabetes.
Chia Seeds for a More Filling Breakfast Smoothie
Chia seeds can reduce the blood sugar level of the body. It converts glucose into a carb which is slow-released, which is mainly due to high viscosity. The consumption of chia seeds also reduces the eating desire in many people. In this way, it can increase the chances of losing weight. However, the taste of chia seeds is not at all fascinating. So, it is advisable to use it in oatmeal or make a pudding out of chia seeds. In some grocery stores, one can spot them as granola.
Therefore, the answer to the question “Is Omega 3 good for diabetics?” is Yes! Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the risk of heart diseases. It also reduces the body's blood sugar (or glucose) level and helps in the weight-loss journey. The main source of Omega-3 is fatty fish, but you can also have walnuts, flaxseeds, and chia seeds. The above article is about the advantages of having Omega-3 if you have type-2 diabetes. Other than those who have diabetes, normal people can also have Omega-3 fatty acids to boost their weight-loss journey and lead a healthy life. Also know about random blood sugar normal range.
This website's content is provided only for educational reasons and is not meant to be a replacement for professional medical advice. Due to individual differences, the reader should contact their physician to decide whether the material is applicable to their case.
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