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Is Guava Good for Diabetes?
Guavas are considered to be among the healthiest fruits. Furthermore, they have incredible nutritional value. But what is the connection between guavas and diabetes? Does this super-food have any added nutritional value? Let's find out is guava good for diabetes?

Table of Contents
Glycemic Index of Guava
Guava has a glycemic index of 12-24. This level of GI is considered safe, making guava suitable for diabetics. With a glycemic index of 12-24, guavas will not immediately raise your blood sugar levels.
Guava Nutritional Value
100 grams of guavas contain 2.6 grams of protein, 14 grams of carbohydrates, 5 grams of fibre, 1 gram of fat, 2 mg of sodium, 417 mg of potassium, and is about 68 calories. The glycemic index of guavas is 12-24. The sugar content in guava is about 9 grams per ounce.
Guavas are a powerhouse of nutrients and extremely rich in minerals like calcium, manganese, lycopene, and potassium. They are also high in antioxidants and an amazing source of vitamin C and vitamin A.
Advantages of Guavas for diabetes
- Guavas are low in carbs, making them suitable for diabetes. Carbohydrates are nutrients that raise blood sugar levels.
- Guavas have a good amount of protein, potassium, and certain minerals. This will help prevent the spike in sugar levels and keep it in check.
- They are chock-full of dietary fibre and slow down the digestion process, lowering blood sugar spikes in the process.
- Guavas balance the sodium and potassium content in the body which regulates blood pressure and helps people with hypertension
- The high calcium content helps with oral care, mouth and gum problems.

Ways to consume Guavas for diabetes
Consuming guavas in their natural form is ideal. But, you can try some delicious guava recipes listed below. As it is a fruit, is it best to eat it raw or combine it with something else in its raw state itself.
- Banana, date, and guava smoothie: Add 200ml of milk, half a banana, a date, an ounce of guavas, and blend it. This rich and nutritious smoothie will give you vital nutrients.
- Apple-guava yoghurt with chia seeds: Get some fresh yoghurt. Mix two tablespoons of chia seeds. Enjoy your creamy yoghurt with a crisp twist.
- Guava salad: Take an ounce of guavas. Add some carrots, honey, apples, and guavas. Mix them up. Enjoy your sweet and nutritious salad.
- Guava Juice: Blend one whole guava in your mixer. Add some salt, chilli powder, ice and mint. Enjoy your cool guava juice, which is perfect for summers.
Also read about benefits of dates for diabetes
Best time to eat guavas
Can diabetics eat guava? To receive the proper nutritional benefits of guavas for diabetes, it is best to consume them after eating something. Make sure to not eat it on an empty stomach. It is also advised to not eat guavas at night as it might trigger a cold or a cough. You can pair it with your breakfast smoothie or add it to your juices too. As guavas are rich in potassium and calcium, they will truly benefit you. Guavas are a tropical fruit and are perfect for summers. They provide a cooling sensation and refresh you. Also read about fruit good for diabetes .
Risk of overconsumption
As guavas have high fibre content, overconsumption can cause gas, bloating, and stomach pain. These nuts are also known to be a natural laxative, and eating too much may cause diarrhoea. In addition, they can sometimes cause skin irritation as well. Therefore, always moderate your consumption of guavas to avoid these health complications. It is advised to consume a maximum of 1 guava in a day. Know about is honey good for diabetes?.
Other health benefits of guavas
- Guava leaf extract has been proven to prevent cancer as they are a rich source of plant compounds.
- The high antioxidants in guavas can improve your brain health massively, making you sharper and more intelligent.
- Guavas can help prevent heart diseases by lowering 'LDL' levels (low-density lipoprotein), also known as bad cholesterol.
- They are rich in vitamin C, potassium and calcium, and can really boost your immunity.
- Guavas are also good for your skin, and their nourishing fats can prevent breakouts.
- Guavas are perfect for weight loss and promote a healthy lifestyle.
Also read about the amount of sugar in watermelon
Is guava good for diabetes?
- Guavas are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and fibre.
- Guavas are good for diabetes as they are low in carbs and have plenty of minerals. They won't spike your blood sugar levels.
- Avoid eating guava on an empty stomach.
- However, eating too many guavas may lead to side effects. Thus, it is recommended to limit your consumption to 1 guava per day.
- Other benefits of guavas include better brain health, good skin and hair, weight management, defence against certain cancers, low cholesterol levels, boosted immunity, relieve menstrual cramps, and improved heart health.
Are guavas good for diabetics?
Yes, Guava is good for diabetes as it helps in lowering blood sugar and it also increases HDLc levels in your body
How many guavas should a diabetic patient eat daily?
You should eat a maximum of 1 guava in a day.
Does guava increase blood sugar?
No, guavas cannot raise blood sugar as they have fewer carbohydrates. However, foods with more carbs raise blood sugar levels.
Do guavas reduce blood sugar?
Yes, guavas reduce blood sugar levels and could also prevent type-2 diabetes. They are rich in dietary fiber and help to build insulin resistance.
How to eat guava for diabetes?
Yes, people with diabetes can incorporate guavas into their diet by consuming them raw or adding them to shakes, juices, and salads.
What are the side effects of guavas?
Consuming too many guavas can cause diarrhoea as they have high dietary fibre. In addition, eating them in excessive amounts may lead to skin irritation and trigger certain skin conditions.
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