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Are Green Beans Good For Diabetics?
Beans are one of the simplest and easiest to prepare foods out there. They are tasty, but they are incredibly versatile and can be prepared in numerous ways, cooked into different dishes. Beans can be added to salads, soups, and dishes to prepare healthy items. Diabetes affects our body’s metabolism, which can only be managed by making the proper lifestyle and good food choices. Now the question arises, “Are green beans good for diabetes?” Let us understand beans' nutritional composition and glycemic index to know if your diabetes diet should include green beans.
Table of Contents
Can a Diabetic Eat Green Beans?
Commonly called French beans, green beans are great for people with diabetes as they are rich in various nutrients. Eating green beans aids in better management of blood sugar and helps with various other physical ailments as well. Beans are considered diabetes superfoods and are an excellent choice for people living with diabetes. They are one of the healthiest varieties of beans and are enriched with numerous micro and macronutrients that help the body work well.

Glycemic Index of Green Beans
Now that we know that eating green beans for diabetes is a good idea, let us look at the glycemic index of beans to understand it better.
The glycemic index of foods helps understand the safety of people with diabetes as it considers the number of carbs present in a particular food. Depending on the carb contents, foods are marked from 0 to 100. This ranking determines how fast or slow a food item increases one’s blood sugar levels.
The glycemic index of green beans is relatively low at 20. This means that it does not affect blood sugar levels when consumed. If you pair green beans with other foods, it can reduce the overall glycemic index of your entire meal. This is great for keeping diabetes in check.
What is the nutritional composition of green beans?
Take a look at the nutritional components of green beans. This table shows the nutrients available per 100 grams of green beans:
So it is clear the green beans are nutritionally dense and offer tons of benefits for our health. It is rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C, thus making it great for keeping away diseases, imbalances, pains, and other health risks.

Green Beans Nutrition Facts
- Green beans are extremely low in calories. They just have 44 calories for every 1 cup of cooked beans.
- They provide 18% DV for manganese
- They are rich in Vitamin K and low in carbohydrates, with only 9 g in each serving.
- They contain omega – 3 fatty acids in small amounts.
Benefits of Green Beans
From its nutrient profile, it is clear that green beans have a positive impact on our health. Consuming a serving of 55 g of green beans is recommended per day. Let us take a look at some of the main health benefits of consuming green beans for diabetes:
- Promotes Weight Loss
Green beans work as great agents for helping you lose weight. Obesity and an increase in weight are some common causes of diabetes and other lifestyle diseases. People living with diabetes are more prone to weight gain as well. Eating green beans is a great way to reduce weight and live a healthier life.
- Helps Manage Cholesterol
Green beans are rich in fiber and help in managing the cholesterol levels in our body. It helps in reducing bad cholesterol that hampers our heart health. The nutrients found in green beans also help reduce the ability of the colon to absorb and accumulate cholesterol.
- Great for Heart Health
Besides lowering cholesterol, green beans help support good heart health as they contain potassium in abundant amounts. Potassium is great for reducing blood pressure and alleviating excess stress on the heart.
- Improves Metabolic Function
Being rich in fiber, green beans work as fuel for better metabolic functioning in our body. They add bulk to stool and aid a healthier digestive process. It is also rich in calcium, iron, and vitamin B which boost metabolic functioning as well.
- Fight Free Radicals
Due to the abundance of fiber, green beans form a protective layer on top of the colon’s mucus membrane, keeping it away from the attack of free radicals. As a result, it promotes better colon health and keeps diseases like colon cancer at bay.
- Provides Antioxidants
Green beans are rich in Vitamin C and provide the required antioxidants to the body to boost its immunity. It helps fight free radicals and keep the body free from chronic diseases.
- Promotes Strong Bones and Teeth
The manganese present in green beans helps in better absorption of calcium. Due to this, it supports the development of strong teeth and bones. It also keep bone-related disorders at bay including bone pain, joint disorders like osteoporosis and arthritis, and inflammation.
- Supports Neural Fetal Development
Due to the abundance of folate, the green bean is a great superfood for pregnant women. It helps enhance the neutral development of fetuses and promotes good growth and health overall.
- Helps Strengthen Vision
Due to the presence of antioxidants such as zeaxanthin and lutein, consumption of green beans has a positive effect on vision. They help reduce vision deterioration due to ageing and slow down cataracts.
- Has Anti-Aging Properties
Due to the antioxidants and flavonoids found in green beans, it is excellent for supporting skin health. They work like anti-ageing agents and slow down the skin ageing process, including the appearance of dark spots, wrinkles, dry skin, and more.
Also read about sugar free, no added sugar, and unsweetened
1. What beans are best for people with diabetes?
A variety of beans are considered good for diabetes, including green beans, garbanzo beans, pinto beans, kidney beans, and black beans. Being rich in fibre, they take a longer time to digest, due to which they are good for people with diabetes.
2. Do green beans spike blood sugar?
Green beans are rich in protein and fibre. Though they contain some carbs, they are pretty low on the GI scale and do not significantly spike blood sugar.
3. Are green beans high in sugar?
One cup of green beans contains 31 calories, 3.6 g of sugar and no fat. Due to this, they are great for diabetes and weight loss.
This website's content is provided only for educational reasons and is not meant to be a replacement for professional medical advice. Due to individual differences, the reader should contact their physician to decide whether the material is applicable to their case.
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