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Gestational Diabetes Diagnosis and Treatment
Gestational diabetes refers to a form of diabetes diagnosed at the time of pregnancy. The sugar level in the body is affected in this, just like other forms of diabetes. Gestational diabetes treatment comes with additional risk factors. The increased levels of blood sugar may affect the pregnant woman and her foetus. Let us discuss gestational diabetes and its treatment.
The causes of Gestational diabetes can be controlled by a healthy lifestyle and preventive measures. There are pregnancy-friendly drugs as well which support the medication of pregnant women. Affected women should follow the gestational diabetes treatment guidelines for best results. Know more about sugar tablets name list.
Table of Contents
Gestational Diabetes Diagnosis
Gestational diabetes can be diagnosed with the help of blood culture tests and urine analysis tests. The glucose challenge test, the oral glucose tolerance test or both may be administered. These tests determine how efficiently your body utilises glucose. Also read about sugar level in urine
During pregnancy, women with gestational diabetes have elevated blood sugar levels for a short time. This is usually not a problem and should not be a cause for concern. However, it may raise the chance of specific difficulties during pregnancy and delivery in some women. High blood sugar levels may usually be controlled by altering your diet and increasing physical activity. Women can use insulin for gestational diabetes treatment during pregnancy, if necessary. Even if they are carrying twins, gestational diabetes treatment is readily available.
We need to understand how to control gestational diabetes. This article explains how gestational diabetes diagnosis is made, the causes and symptoms of gestational diagnoses, and other related information about gestational diagnoses treatment. Read more about diabetes in pregnancy treatment.
Glucose Challenge Test
You could start with a glucose challenge test. The glucose screening test is another name for this blood test. A health care expert will draw your blood 1 hour after you have had a sweet liquid containing glucose for this test. This test does not require you to fast. Also know about sugar in urine test.
Glucose Tolerance Test
A glucose tolerance test evaluates blood glucose levels after a fast of at least eight hours. At the end of the fasting period, a medical practitioner will draw your blood sample. Then, you will have to consume a glucose-containing beverage. A doctor will draw your blood two to three times to diagnose pregnancy diabetes every hour.

Gestational Diabetes Treatment
Your medical team can assist you in developing a healthy eating plan that includes foods that are excellent for both you and your baby. The plan will assist you in determining which foods to consume, how much to consume, and when to consume them.
1. Lifestyle Changes
The development of excess weight and obesity is linked to changes in lifestyle, most notably increased caloric intake, changes in diet composition, and decreasing physical activity levels. In this section, we will talk about how lifestyle helps to control diabetes. These gestational diabetes treatment guidelines must be adhered to.
Engaging in regular physical activity can help you feel better. Exercising also boosts insulin sensitivity, implying that it performs better in your body. Your blood sugar levels may become more stable as a result of this.To avoid boredom, switch up your hobbies on a regular basis. Walking or jogging are examples of aerobic activities you can do. Resistance workouts, such as lifting weights, are another alternative. Remember to stretch before and after each training session without fail. With the help of exercise, you can suppress some causes of gestational diabetes.
Eat a Well-balanced Diet
Diabetes should not prevent you from eating a wide variety of foods. Half of your diet should be non-starchy vegetables, such as
- Asparagus
- Carrot
- Broccoli
- Cucumber
- Squash
- Tomato
- Salad Greens
Read more about the gestational diabetes diet
Stay Active
Your fitness plan should involve regular physical activity before, during, and after pregnancy. Back pain, muscle cramps, swelling, constipation, difficulties sleeping, and low blood sugar are common pregnancy complaints that can be alleviated with regular exercise.
With your doctor’s approval, aim for 30 minutes of moderate activity most days of the week. Start carefully and gradually increase your exercise level if you haven’t been active in a while. Walking, cycling, and swimming are all good exercises to do while pregnant. Housework and gardening are everyday tasks that count as a physical workout.
2. Blood Sugar Monitoring
Having high blood sugar for a long time might harm your nerves, blood vessels, and organs. It can potentially lead to more significant health problems. Ketoacidosis, a build-up of acids in the blood, is common in people with type 1 diabetes. Extremely high blood sugar can lead to a difficult situation where your body can’t process sugar if you have type 2 diabetes. The condition is known as Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Nonketotic Syndrome (HHNS).
3. Medication
You should follow the gestational diabetes treatment guidelines recommended by your doctor. Generally, doctors prescribe drugs only as a last resort. Oral tablets of insulin for gestational diabetes treatment are preferred over injections, even if you are getting a gestational diabetes treatment for twins. You should administer medicines only when prescribed by your doctor. Read more about uses and side effects of sugar tablet
What Causes Gestational Diabetes?
The pancreas secretes insulin every time you take a meal. Insulin is a hormone that aids in transporting glucose from your bloodstream to your cells, where it is used for releasing energy.
Your placenta produces hormones that cause glucose to build up in your bloodstream throughout pregnancy. Your pancreas can usually produce an adequate amount of insulin which can manage the glucose content in your blood. However, if insulin production falters or is not used properly in the body, your blood sugar levels will rise. It will eventually lead to gestational diabetes.
Symptoms of gestational diabetes are listed below:
- Nausea
- Fatigue
- Blurred eyesight
- Frequent bladder, vaginal, or skin infections
- Extreme thirst
- Frequent urination
- Traces of sugar in the urine
Gestational diabetes is a commonly seen form of diabetes in pregnant women. In most cases, it is idiopathic. However, the underlying concerns for gestational diabetes can include borderline sugar levels, fluctuations in hormonal levels, and lifestyle variations. It can easily be diagnosed at earlier stages and controlled by lifestyle changes. In most cases, medications are contraindicated. The prognosis depends on the time of diagnosis as per the trimester and the level of blood sugar. Also know about fasting blood sugar level.
1. How common is Gestational Diabetes in pregnancy?
Gestational diabetes is quite common. About 2 to 10% of pregnant women in the United States are affected by gestational diabetes.
2. Will Gestational Diabetes go away after pregnancy?
Gestational diabetes in most women goes away soon after delivery. Also know about ayurvedic medicine for diabetes.
3. Who is at Risk for gestational diabetes?
African, Asian, Hispanic, Native American, and Pacific Islander women over the age of 25 are at a high risk of getting gestational diabetes.
- https://www.everydayhealth.com/gestational-diabetes/guide/
This website's content is provided only for educational reasons and is not meant to be a replacement for professional medical advice. Due to individual differences, the reader should contact their physician to decide whether the material is applicable to their case.
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