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Diabetic Foot Treatment
Diabetes refers to a health condition that causes an increase in a person's average blood sugar levels. There are several side effects and complications caused by diabetes, and the diabetic foot is one of them. Diabetic feet are caused when nerve damage occurs in the feet and limits proper blood circulation throughout the feet of a person. There are many causes of diabetic feet, except nerve damage and poor blood flow. Some of them include being overweight, having high blood pressure, having high cholesterol levels, etc. Diabetic feet develop infections easily compared to other regions of the body. Also know about treatment for diabetes in ayurveda.
Table of Contents
What is Diabetic Foot?
People with diabetes can feel numbness in their feet as time progresses because of restricted blood flow to their legs. This mainly happens because of nerve damage. Limited blood circulation makes it tough to notice the origin of blisters, ulcers, cuts, or sores on the feet.
If these wounds remain untreated or undiagnosed, they may lead to severe infections, further leading to more health hazards or even amputations. A weak immune system, frequent infections, slow healing of wounds lead to these complications. Studies show that a diabetic foot is 15% common in people. But, many procedures and steps can be followed to ensure diabetic foot treatment. Know about high blood sugar level
How to Reduce the Risk of Diabetic Foot Pain?
Nerve damage is also referred to as diabetic neuropathy, and hyperglycemia should be avoided. To make it happen, a person with diabetes should keep a check on their blood sugar levels. Diabetic foot treatment depends on the severity and complexity of the problem. There are both surgical and non-surgical ways available to cure diabetic feet.
- Noticing and observing if any changes are occurring in the feet.
- Maintaining hygiene of the feet by keeping nails short and trimmed to avoid an unhealthy length.
- Ensuring that there is healthy blood circulation throughout the feet.
- Indulge more in physical exercises, which helps promote a healthy blood flow. Keeping the feet active helps a lot in this situation.
- A buildup of moisture can make the area sweaty and itchy, and also cause rashes.
- Applying a gentle cream or talcum powder to the area between the toes helps prevent moisture from accumulating there.
- Avoid footwear that can cause corns or calluses which happens because of excessive friction in the skin caused by rubbing, itching, or irritation. Corns and calluses can be easily prevented by paying constant attention and taking care of the skin. Here is a guide to choose best diabetic footwear for you.
- Keeping feet covered. Wearing socks made of comfortable fabrics, and slippers that do not suffocate the skin of the feet or wear therapeutic slippers or shoes that help avoid skin-related conditions or ailments.
- Washing and cleansing the feet in warm or lukewarm water. It is important to keep them dry afterwards.
- A moisturizing cream can be applied to the feet after cleaning to keep them soft, smooth, healthy, and moisturized. Read more about diabetes causes.
When to Seek Medical Care for Diabetic Foot?
Consult your doctor right away if you're experiencing a few or all of the symptoms mentioned below:
- Pain in the legs, muscle cramps in the buttocks, thighs, or calves after physical exercises.
- Thickness in toenails and their colour becoming yellow.
- Skin becoming dry or cracked on the feet.
- A sensation of tingling or burning or pain in the feet.
- Lack of sense of touch or ability to feel cold or heat.
- Changes in the shape of the feet in the long run.
- Reduction in hair growth on the lower legs, toes, or feet.
- Occurrence of an ulcer, blister, infected corn or callus, or an ingrown toenail.
- Changes in the temperature of the feet.
- Occurrence of fungus infections on the feet, such as an athletes foot.

A diabetic foot has very limited and restricted blood circulation, which leads to nerve damage. Nerve damage weakens the bones and joints, which gives way to further complications. Diabetic foot ulcer treatment antibiotics are a viable and helpful option for adhering to the sensitive feet of a person with diabetes. If this does not work, or the severity of diabetic foot is high, then it may necessitate surgical removal.. So it is always best to just prevent the condition in the first place.
Can you heal a diabetic foot?
Once you are diagnosed with a diabetic foot ulcer it is highly difficult to heal it completely. Therefore, it is necessary to take good care of your feet if you have diabetes. Fortunately, you can take progressive actions toward protecting your foot. To heal a diabetic foot initially you can take steps at an individual level like ensuring good foot care. However, when you develop a foot ulcer getting medications and professional help is vital. Healing a diabetic foot starts with a minimum effort like maintaining good foot care.
Why do they cut off diabetic feet?
A diabetic foot ulcer that doesn’t heal for a long time can lead to dangerous consequences. This non-healing ulcer causes damage to the tissues and therefore it becomes important to undergo surgery and cut off the affected area. This technique is called amputation where the affected toe, foot, or leg of the person having a diabetic foot ulcer of severe level is removed. If the affected area is not cut off then there are high chances of the progression of the disease that can even lead to death. When the damage becomes irreparable the only option the patient is left with is amputation.
Why do diabetics' legs turn black?
People with diabetes often find themselves suffering from a skin condition where they develop dark patches on their skin. This condition is referred to as diabetic dermopathy where the lower area of your legs is darker. Due to the high blood sugar levels of a diabetic person, the small blood vessels get damaged causing black and brownish patches. To fix such skin issues a diabetic person needs to make some lifestyle changes. You can also take proper medications to get rid of such skin problems.
What are the side effects of ensuring diabetic powder?
Ensure diabetic powder that is used for regulating blood sugar levels and weight management comes with its side effects. Intake of this powder may lead you to experience irritability, garlic breath odor, fatigue, and nail bitterness. Generally, people face these side effects by taking ensure diabetic powder. However, one may experience side effects that are uncommon and this makes it vital for them to consult a doctor before continuing the intake of the ensure powder.
How do you know if diabetes is affecting your feet?
Several symptoms indicate that diabetes is affecting your feet. Some of the symptoms are mild initially but gradually these symptoms turn severe. The indicators of feet damage due to diabetes include dry and cracked skin on the feet, the color of the skin of your feet starting to turn to yellow and the toenails thickening, pain in the feet, numb feet, development of ulcers, infection, cuts and blister on feet, etc. These symptoms are signs that your blood sugar levels are affecting your feet.
Can diabetic foot be cured?
If you are at the initial stage of having a diabetic foot then taking good care of your foot and managing to control your blood sugar levels can slow down the progression of the disease. In the early stages, medications and foot care can help you to reduce the complications. However, if you are at a severe stage of having a diabetic foot then you might have to go through surgery, which will make you get rid of the affected area. Eventually, neglecting your sugar levels can cause other areas of your body to get damaged.
- https://www.webmd.com/diabetes/foot-problems
This website's content is provided only for educational reasons and is not meant to be a replacement for professional medical advice. Due to individual differences, the reader should contact their physician to decide whether the material is applicable to their case.
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